Thursday, September 28

Well, today has been eventful! Well, you know, eventful to me... which isn't saying much.

I went back to "work" today, which is watching toddlers once a week at church for the Women's Bible Study. With how funky my voice still is and the way I keep coughing, I probably scared some of the moms! It went pretty well, though.

My big screw-up in the morning related to a sheer purple ribbon. Gracie (4 years old) and Ellie (5 years old) were playing under a table, and I was playing with Ariel. Ariel had a stuffed bunny with a ribbon around it's neck, and I thought, "I don't want this ribbon to be something Ariel can choke on; maybe one of the girls would like to have it!??"

So I went over to the table, held the ribbon under it, and said "Would one of you girls like this ribbon?" I heard "Yeah!" and a little hand grabbed it, and I walked away.

Well, a few minutes later Gracie ran toward me frantically with Ellie on her heels. Ellie was yelling "That's MY ribbon! She took MY ribbon!" and Gracie looked noticibly upset.
"Great," I thought, "I should have cut the ribbon in half or something." So I took the ribbon and said, "Ok, girls, we can either cut the ribbon in half, or you can have a race to see who gets it. What do you want to do?"

"Race! Race!" they said. So they lined up and ran across the gym floor. Ellie won, and as I handed her the ribbon, Gracie looked up at me and said, "I want to cut it in half." Nice try, sweetie! I told her I would bring her a ribbon next week, and she special-ordered a pink one. When Ellie decided she didn't want her ribbon, I offered it to Gracie, but she's holding out for her pink one.

Next stop was mom's house, which was relaxing but not newsworthy (although she was watching a fascinating talkshow on polygamy!), and then WIC. I had to go farther away to a different WIC clinic because the one nearby was all booked up, but THIS clinic had friendly people and crumb-free floors, so I'm gonna keep going there.

Then, when I came home, there was a message on the answering machine from a lady with a trippy first name. She wants me to watch her 5-week-old daughter for two weeks (3 days a week, 3 hours a day) while she goes to a job training class (the kind that you have to go to BEFORE they decide to hire you). I'm going to meet her and her baby on Saturday. I think it could be cool - a challenge, but also an interesting experience and some extra cash. I haven't told Dan about it yet (he's still in class), but I can't imagine he'll object, especially since he won't be home during the hours that the baby would be here, anyway.

So pink ribbon, clean clinic, tiny baby. That's a lot for one day! I'm kinda tuckered out. I think I'm gonna play some more Freecell....

Wednesday, September 27

Why aren't there any new "Ask a Ninja" podcasts? This makes me sad...

Well, good morning, all! And when I say "all," I mean "all three of you." That's okay, though, because blogging gives me an excuse to journal, and an excuse to write semi-creatively, awakening long-dormant brain cells that needed some exercise.

Dan was up kinda late last night working on his homework. It's very hard; the chemistry book just dove in and he was expected to understand so much, as if he had just taken another course last semester or something. For being the first chapter of a freshman textbook, it was intense! I read with him and we tried to figure it out together, and we covered how hydrogen and oxygen molecules fit together to form water and how the shape of the molecules fitting together makes them "polar" - having negatively and positively charged ends. Then we covered how that caused hydrogen bonds between water molecules, and how those bonds are responsible for:

surface tension
capillary action
ice expanding
ice floating
water having high melting and boiling points

and THEN we covered the pH scale and how it all has to do with hydrogen molecules splitting off as ions because their electrons are stolen and so they're positively charged, and how bases have too few hydrogen ions and acids have too many and this causes them to react by receiving or giving off hydrogen ions.

NEED I SAY MORE!?!?! The boy has his work cut out for him!!

I feel bad for him because when we finished my brain was TOTALLY full, and this is just the first day! And, worse, the only reason that I was able to understand some of this stuff and explain it to him was because I vaguely remember my junior year chemistry class, whereas he was goofing off and getting stoned his junior year, and has very little recollection of chemistry. His book does not explain concepts very thoroughly.

Anywho, my objective for today is to get well. I slept poorly last night because I was coughing so much, and I don't feel so hot today, but I have a very cool class I'm taking tonight for the first time (more on that later), and I don't want to miss it! So, between now and 7pm, I need to become healthy. Wish me luck!

Signing off for now,

Tuesday, September 26

Well, my little princess is sleeping, so I guess I'll take a moment to write on here. Poor Ariel! She's been sick for 2 1/2 weeks now - and that's just her current cold, not the little one that she had before that! Her runny nose is mostly gone, but she's got this hacking cough that wakes her (and us) up in the middle of the night. It's so sad!

Last week, I was really sick, too. I had just bought her her first footie pajamas (she wore gowns as a newborn and onesies all summer), and I was feeling lazy, so I thought, "Well, since she's sick, I can just have her wear pajamas all day!"

Oh my gosh!! She looks SOOOO cute in pajamas! I didn't want to take them off her! It's terrible, because I always thought, "I will never be one of those moms who leaves her kid in PJ's all the time." I didn't even take her out like that as a newborn - I took my 4-day-old baby to my mom's office in pants and a shirt, like a little grown-up. But what if you can't bring yourself to remove the pajamas because they're so darn CUTE? Maybe it's one of those things that only the parents find cute, like a face covered in applesauce, and other people still think it looks trashy when I take her to the grocery store. Or maybe nobody finds it trashy at all, and I'm just overly paranoid.

Well, Dan just got back from his second day of college. Just one class on Tuesdays - Algebra 111 - so he has the rest of the afternoon for homework and such. He only has class one afternoon a week, and the rest are in the mornings, but he'll be working 3 afternoons a week, leaving only Tuesdays and evenings free for homework. Well, and weekends. But with taking 14 credits of just Chemistry, Biology, and Algebra, he's going to need all the homework time he can get! I know he's going to do well in school; he's done so well so far on the individual classes he's been taking, and he's so devoted to excellence in his schoolwork. I'm proud of him in advance for the things that he's going to accomplish over the next seven years!

Well, I'm getting kind of confused. My head is still a little foggy from the flu, and I'm not convinced that all these sentences are coming together to form coherent paragraphs, so I think I need to take a break. Adios!

Monday, September 25

Let me start this post by saying that there aren't any interesting fonts to choose from here.

That said, I thought I would take this moment to update anyone who needs to be updated on the status of my husband's hair. Daniel has been getting sick of caring for his beautiful, long, curly hair. So, this past Thursday, he went in to get it chopped off by my stylist.

Great pic, huh? I'm quite the photographer! So here's his finished 'do:

It took me a day-and-a-half to stop being startled every time he came into a room. I'd never known him without the hair! Ariel didn't show any reaction, though. We took her to the salon with us so she could watch his hair being cut, in the hopes that it would help her understand that this is still her daddy! I don't know if that WAS what helped, but she seems the least thrown off of everyone, my family included.

So, in conclusion, if you see me in a grocery store holding hands with some short-haired guy, you don't have to worry. It's Dan! :-)

I've been resisting this for awhile. Not for me, I said. Blogs, iPods, texting, TiVo.... Just call me old-fashioned, but this 21-year-old refuses to be "with it."

I didn't count on RaeAnn. See, when you look up to someone all while you're growing up, it's kind of hard to discard their influence over you as an adult. The fact is, there's a little bit of your kid cousin in me somewhere who still worships you, RaeAnn, and I just can't say no. Don't use that against me!

So now I shall attempt to have a blog, and I shall attempt to update it regularly with cute pictures and thoughtful entries. Where will I find the time for this? I don't know, but a lot of other people find the time, so it must not be too hard, right?

So, if you read this, and you would be interested in continuing to visit this blog occasionally, be sure to post a comment so that I know you are a part of my viewing audience. Because talking to nobody isn't very appealing...

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