Wednesday, June 6

Really Talkin'!

Ariel and I just had the following conversation:

"Up! Up!"
"You want up in your highchair?"
"Okay. Do you want some crackers, is that it?"
"Okay, here's one. Do you want me to get you some more?"

It's amazing being able to communicate so well with my little girl. I just wish she always tried this FIRST before melting into her little tantrums on the floor. She smacked her chin hard on my knee this afternoon protesting something while I was sitting in the recliner. Of course, it was all my fault that she was hurt - those accusing little eyes said it all!

ohmygosh. accusing eyes... i have a couple of pairs of those too....

it's so nice when they actually communicate with you! it's a huge relief. did you do any sign with A?
I tried but failed. We did some signing, though honestly we weren't super-consistent, but she never really caught on. I think she may have signed "milk" once or twice, but it's hard to really tell when they first start trying it, because it doesn't LOOK much like the real sign. Maybe I'm just not attentive enough... We stopped trying when she started speaking, cuz it seemed pointless by then.
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