Saturday, April 7

So, yesterday, Dan was reading aloud to me from his Economics textbook (which was much more interesting than it sounds). Ariel was playing in the living room, and she came and plopped down in the middle of the floor with a couple of her books, turning the page of one book and then the other. After Dan stopped reading for a moment, Ariel started hollering loudly, varying her tone and volume. It took us a moment to realize: she was reading aloud! Dan managed to grab the camera without her noticing:

Ariel is learning body parts. She can't SAY any of them yet, but she responds to (by pointing, etc) nose, mouth, chin, forehead (sometimes), and tummy.

We're working on teaching the princess not to throw sharp-edged books in our faces, slap us, or grab daddy's glasses. If anyone has any suggestions, please advise. Sometimes she responds well, but other times she gets upset and starts swinging harder. I think it's just an emotionally difficult concept for her - it's upsetting that she has to limit the ways that she plays.

Princess Number 2 is growing quickly and starting to affect my back and posture, as well as making sleeping more difficult. It's depressing to think that I still have 4 months to go! Pregnancy is definitely my least favorite part of having kids!

Oh my gosh, Poor you! We are going through the same things with our little Shannon. She has already broken Shanes glasses on both sides. She hits when she is emotionaly overdone:goodbye's, bedtime etc. Her doctor told us to talk to her extremely firm and tell her "NO_____! That hurts! You do not ____!" It works some of the time, but you have to be on it everytime she does it or it won't work. Sometimes she laughs at me and I have to maintain this straight face wich is very hard to do when you just think "Aw, your sooo cute!" It seems to be working most of the time though and we have been doing it for a couple of months. Better with time. Good luck, we all go through it sooner or later. Congrats on the new little belly project! I don't know if your mom told you or not, but we are once again taking on a belly project of our own, we are at about 7 weeks. Hope all is well and you are feeling good!
Love Cousin Heather ;-)
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