Saturday, March 17

Okay, Dan uploaded some of our pics and videos of Ariel yesterday, so here's a little taste of what we've been enjoying for the last month or so...

Like many mischievous little toddlers, Ariel doesn't always spend her nap-time NAPPING. Sometimes she reaches into the box of outgrown clothing next to her and starts filling her crib with little onesies and tiny jackets. Sometimes she drops her dolly on the floor and then stand there yelling for it. And, one time, she made herself this fascinating costume...

She's walking now - more than she crawls. It's so fun to see this tiny person toddling around the house, hollering about who-knows-what, or carrying her little sippy cup from place to place, with a proud "Bup! Bup!" I love these little first words. I love the thrill of realizing what she's saying and being able to respond to her. She's really becoming less of a baby all the time, and it's incredible to see the transformation.

One thing that Ariel does that always cracks us up is open her mouth wide when she wants a bite or drink of something. The face she makes is a gaping, baby-bird mouth with eyes tightly shut. She does it for a second in this movie after she sits down. So cute!

Well, that's all for now, but there'll be more to follow, I promise! Love you all!

YAY! I loved it. Sounded like she was trying to make scary monster noises in the 2nd clip. Of course, if you're like I was as a new mom, I forbade anyone to put any kind of scary monster notions in their heads whatsoever, and furious that people would disregard that. Sometimes wish I could raise them in a bubble of protection. Thanks for postin'. How about some new baby(tummy) pics? Haven't seen you in ages. :)
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