Monday, October 2
Well, it's been a few days, but I'm finally back! This was kind of a busy weekend.
On Saturday, I had coffee with a friend in the morning, followed by a meeting with the lady who has the baby girl in the afternoon. It was pretty cool. She seems really nice, and her little girl is a cute little bundle, in the unresponsive, newborn way. The mom is a former military chick, and her husband is in Kuwait right now (is that how you spell it?). She'll be bringing her little girl over this afternoon around 12-12:30. I'm excited! :-D
Yesterday (Sunday) we had church, of course. It was my first time leaving Ariel in our nursery, and I couldn't concentrate on anything during the class/sermon (I left half-way through the class and went downstairs to watch the sermon because I was so restless). I just kept wanting to go back and play with her and make sure she wasn't upset! When I went back to pick her up, she was happily playing on the lap of a very sweet lady, and they said that she had only been upset for a few minutes. HOWEVER, I had told the lady that I left her with that she needed her bottle in 15 minutes. The lady then promptly left without telling anyone else! So little Miss Ellie (in case anyone doesn't know, I call Ariel "Ellie" for short) went 5 hours without food - poor thing!
At 1:30 I went to go get a haircut. You can kind of see it in these pictures (I'm blowing on Ariel's little tummy):

This is the shortest I've ever cut my hair, but it was also the least nervous I've ever been. My hairdresser, Laura, is fantastic! :-D So now I've gotta figure out how to use mousse properly, but, compared to having it long, it's going to be so much easier to take care of. I WASN'T taking care of it before, so it was always flat and oddly wavy from drying in a bun. Not so great!
This morning I have an orthodontist appointment. I think that this morning was either my 5th or 6th time rescheduling this appointment - so embarrassing! Stuff kept coming up and I would try to shuffle it around! I called this morning to move it up to an earlier time so as to make sure that I would be back here when the little one arrives. At least I'm finally getting it done; I've been worrying that putting it off so long would mess up the treatment. Speaking of which, I should probably take some ibuprofen.
Alright, well, I'm gonna try to get a little more done around here before we take off for the orthodontist. Wish me luck taking care of the new little one!
On Saturday, I had coffee with a friend in the morning, followed by a meeting with the lady who has the baby girl in the afternoon. It was pretty cool. She seems really nice, and her little girl is a cute little bundle, in the unresponsive, newborn way. The mom is a former military chick, and her husband is in Kuwait right now (is that how you spell it?). She'll be bringing her little girl over this afternoon around 12-12:30. I'm excited! :-D
Yesterday (Sunday) we had church, of course. It was my first time leaving Ariel in our nursery, and I couldn't concentrate on anything during the class/sermon (I left half-way through the class and went downstairs to watch the sermon because I was so restless). I just kept wanting to go back and play with her and make sure she wasn't upset! When I went back to pick her up, she was happily playing on the lap of a very sweet lady, and they said that she had only been upset for a few minutes. HOWEVER, I had told the lady that I left her with that she needed her bottle in 15 minutes. The lady then promptly left without telling anyone else! So little Miss Ellie (in case anyone doesn't know, I call Ariel "Ellie" for short) went 5 hours without food - poor thing!
At 1:30 I went to go get a haircut. You can kind of see it in these pictures (I'm blowing on Ariel's little tummy):

This is the shortest I've ever cut my hair, but it was also the least nervous I've ever been. My hairdresser, Laura, is fantastic! :-D So now I've gotta figure out how to use mousse properly, but, compared to having it long, it's going to be so much easier to take care of. I WASN'T taking care of it before, so it was always flat and oddly wavy from drying in a bun. Not so great!
This morning I have an orthodontist appointment. I think that this morning was either my 5th or 6th time rescheduling this appointment - so embarrassing! Stuff kept coming up and I would try to shuffle it around! I called this morning to move it up to an earlier time so as to make sure that I would be back here when the little one arrives. At least I'm finally getting it done; I've been worrying that putting it off so long would mess up the treatment. Speaking of which, I should probably take some ibuprofen.
Alright, well, I'm gonna try to get a little more done around here before we take off for the orthodontist. Wish me luck taking care of the new little one!